The Moroccan Natural lineup, 2016. 

Hello everyone! We are incredibly excited here in the Moroccan Natural office to introduce to you our new weekly blog, which will soon be bursting with articles full of healthy skincare tips, knowledge, the latest news from Moroccan Natural and more.
We are so proud of our products and we’ve come to realise that the small labels on our handcrafted bottles just aren’t enough to tell you all you need to know about them, and just exactly why our products are so good for you. As much as we can reword why our products containing Argan oil, Prickly Pear seed oil and even gold are great for skin, it is no good to you, our lovely customers, if you are not given the facts in order to truly understand the miracle of our products.
Through our blog, we’ll be featuring articles regarding the secret minerals in our wonderful Pearl Powder and why greats as far as Cleopatra herself were a fan, why the PH balance is important to understand for achieving healthier, brighter and younger looking skin, and also exactly what goes into the Prickly Pear Seed Oil that makes it one of our most exciting new ingredients! This miracle oil is not easy to come by, and can only found in the deepest parts of Morocco, making the hunt for the best healthy skin ingredients all the more exciting. We cannot wait to get our hands on more rare ingredients and share our findings with you.
Along with all this rich knowledge we are very excited to pass on to you and enlighten you on to the road of healthier, beautiful skin, we will also be sharing tips and tricks to help clear up acne, drink your way to better skin through fresh smoothies, healthy habits of maintaining good skin and more.
Our blog will also be the first place to look for the latest news and updates about Moroccan Natural, whether it may be where we are excited to be stocking next, a featured article by a lovely beauty blogger or when we finally hit the papers! We have very big dreams for Moroccan Natural, and this blog will be allowing you all to take this journey with us, not only as our lovely customers, but also as our friends.
In next weeks post, we will be explaining to you how what you drink and eat can directly affect the quality of your skin through the PH scale, and the way Vitamin C helps your skin. Be sure to look out for it by Wednesday afternoon! Until then, you can keep up to date with all things Moroccan Natural at our Twitter page @MoroccanNatural and our instagram page @Moroccan_Natural .
Have you tried our Gold Collection yet? Find out more about our exquisite luxury collection here.


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