Gluten allergies may be the next health trend, but for some, it is not a trend but a lifestyle they must adhere to. Celiac disease affects 1 in 100 people, but at least a third of us experience gluten sensitivity and we have yet to realise it. Two members of the Moroccan Natural team have been recently diagnosed with gluten sensitivity and it has come to our attention that this may be a more common problem than we thought! We have been thoroughly fascinated Giulia Enders book 'Gut' cleverly explains the workings of our gut and how we take its importance very lightly. She also explains gluten sensitivity and how it can affect the body. It is a Moroccan Natural recommended read, but for now, we’ll be sharing all the information you need to know to decipher if you have gluten sensitivity, and how to tackle it.
MN Gluten Sensitivity Test
First, let’s begin by finding out if any of the symptoms of a gluten allergy apply to you:
- Bloating or gas?
- Stomach discomfort after eating wheat?
- Bloating after meals, or waking up bloated?
- Fatigue?
- Iron Deficiency Anaemia?
- Weight loss or weight gain?
- Diarrhoea or constipation?
- Frequent headaches/migraines?
- Mood swings. Anxiety or depression?
If you find at least half of these may apply to you, we suggest a 10-day gluten free test in order to see how you feel physically and mentally. Upon introducing gluten back into your diet, pay close attention to your body and see if any of the symptoms highlighted return. If they do, you may have a gluten allergy/sensitivity. Please contact a medical advisor for professional insight and examination.
Cutting out gluten may sound like a death sentence to many, but the benefits are boundless. It’s not in our guidebook to be so negative, so of course, we’ll be spurring you on with some motivation for the next 10 days. The 6 R’s of optimum health have been formulated to help you feel your absolute best through the test.
6 R’s of Optimum Health
- Replenish
Stock up on all fresh fruit and vegetables and re-discover how great it feels to eat well. Your body will thank you and your mood will lift instantly. Say goodbye to the constant fatigue, headaches and lethargy.
- Reboot
Reboot your system with powerful detoxes, incorporating ingredients such as ginger, lemon, turmeric, cayenne pepper and more. Give your body the boost it needs to rid itself of all the gluten toxicity that you have been filling it with for far too long.
- Recharge
Recharge with fresh smoothies in the morning to help start your day. You’ll be avoiding food items such as toast and cereal, and giving your body the energy it needs to tackle the day ahead.
- Reenergise
Snack wisely throughout the day and have fruit or nuts to keep you going. It’s easy to reach for cakes, cookies, pastries and more, but once your body has made it clear that it does not accept it, alternatives are a necessity.
- Restore
Restore your health and vitality with meals planned for the week ahead, full of all the things your body is craving. Fresh meat or fish, vegetables, nuts, spices and the like! Get creative and aim to make these meals fresh and exciting. Wheat free does not mean boring. We’ll help you get the ball rolling a little further down with a delicious salad recipe approved by our team.
- Relax
Wheat free does not also mean no treats. You are free to indulge, but do so wisely. There are many desserts that you can create at home that are natural, wheat free and absolutely yummy.
For more recipe tips and help, take a look at Wheat-free’s collection of lovely recipes here:
Here’s a delicious new salad recipe for you to try that is definitely Moroccan Natural approved…
Beet, Avocado, and Arugula Salad
With Sunflower Seeds
Slaw Ingredients
- 2 Beets, thinly chopped
- 4 stalks Celery, thinly sliced
- 1 English cucumber, thinly sliced
- 2 Scallions (thinly chopped, green parts only)
Salad Ingredients:
- 1/2 Avocado
- 1 packed cup Baby Arugula
- 2 tbsp Lemon juice
- 1 Salt and freshly ground black pepper, Coarse (to taste)
- 2 tbsp Olive oil, extra-virgin
- 3 tbsp Sunflower seeds, toasted
- In a large bowl, toss beets, celery, cucumber and scallions and mix.
- Mix in salad ingredients, mix lightly and serve!
We hope you’ve enjoyed this weeks post. Let us know how going wheat-free makes you feel!
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