Nearly every single one of us has fallen in the hands of social media, relying on it to communicate, entertain ourselves, show off and even look for work. There is no denying the fact it has become a staple of our everyday networking and interaction. Some of us can’t even seem to simply enjoy a coffee with a friend or a browse along the high street without snapping away updates of our whereabouts.
However, many millennials have been found to use social media platforms to buff up their narcissism and ultimately aid in dubbing them “The Selfie Generation”. With celebrities like Kim Kardashian releasing an entire book of her sacred snaps, and her sister Kylie Jenner reaching over 95 million followers due to her countless selfie updates, this trend seems to trickle down the ladder into the general public. Since selfies have grown in popularity among the rich and famous, many turn to their own social media accounts to gain status and popularity among their social circles.
The enigma of Social Media is its ease in providing instant communication, recognition and overall gratification. It’s much too easy to post a selfie and within minutes, likes and follow requests come flooding in from your friends and family. Let’s be honest; the attention does feel good. We would be completely lying if we’d said we don’t see what the fuss is about. Although, it does make you think how much of our lives may fly right past us while we’re too busy trying to get the perfect picture rather than simply enjoying the moment. Social media has an endless list of uses, and posting pictures of ourselves/ our lives should not be where its use ends!
After some discussion in our office, we’ve crafted the perfect list of tips to help you use social media differently and ultimately help add to your experiences - not have you worrying about how you look, wrong lighting, horrible background noise and so much more that goes into consideration every time you reach for your phone. Who needs that kind of stress? We definitely don’t. We want Social Media to invigorate our life experience. If you agree, read on to find out our favourite uses of social media.
Recently, Snapchat has released its latest feature: Snapchat Maps. To put it simply, upon opening the app, pinch away at the interface and Maps will automatically open. This new feature not only allows you to broadcast your location to your friends, but also see stories from brands or events nearby. The further you pinch out, the more opportunities you discover to get out there and make some memories. We’ve recently used this feature to find out what’s been happening over the weekend. From Pride to Wireless and Camden Lock Market, we’ve discovered even more of what makes London amazing to live in. Try Snapchat Maps and let us know how you like it!
We’ve been preaching that there’s far more to social media than simply selfies and one-upping one another, and Facebook reminds us exactly why we fell in love with social media in the first place. Facebook Groups are the community you never knew existed. Simply type your favourite show or artist into the Facebook search bar and request to join the closed groups. Imagine having that one friend who simply just understood and multiply that by thousands. You’re welcome!
Twitter can sometimes get a bad rep for its endless feed of useless status updates – but, it can actually be really useful! Twitter is the key social media platform people take to when updating on news, gossip and even general advice. With over 300m people signed up to the service, you can tailor and design your newsfeed to include the information you want instant updates for. Twitter was the first place to announce the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Duchess Kate, as well as also delivering serious news such as the Boston Marathon Bombings, the China Earthquake and even Whitney Houston’s death. It is a platform where news travels fast, but where also entertainment and advice is in your hands.
We are obsessed with the new live feature on Instagram, as not only can you speak to your favourite influencers, bloggers, celebrities and even keep an eye on your favourite brands – but now you can even see what you’ve missed if you didn’t manage to catch the live stream! We find ourselves spending hours admiring our favourite accounts and striking conversation – it’s not only fun but informative as a pretty face comes to life before your very eyes and actually speaks to you. Social media has not only made communication among friends and family easier, but also helped bridge the gap between celebrities and their fans!
Social media is the land of opportunity and we feel like Dorothy ready to follow The Yellow Brick Road to wherever it leads us next. Not only is it exciting and gratifying in so many ways, but its constant list of uses mean becoming bored with it is highly unlikely. We hope you found our tips useful, and if you love them, tell us! If you have even more tips for us, do get in touch and we’ll feature you!
For all things Moroccan Natural, visit our Twitter page @MoroccanNatural, Instagram @Moroccan_Natural or find us on Facebook @ Moroccan Natural.